Inside King's-Edgehill School


Advent/Christmas Services of Lessons and Carols 2019

adventOn Sunday, December 8th, 2019, the annual Advent/Christmas Services of Nine Lessons and Carols will be held, 4:00pm at Christ Church, 543 King Street, Windsor, and 7:00pm at Hensley Memorial Chapel, King’s-Edgehill School. A pageant of Word and Song, the services are an integral feature of an intellectual and spiritual community such as King’s-Edgehill School. They are among a number of corporate events that contribute to the educational life of the School and are mandatory for students and faculty. They are also events to which members of the wider community and family of the School are invited and encouraged to attend.

There is something quite powerful and significant in the parade of readings that are read by our students. It is not a show or a performance but a participatory event that challenges students and faculty, friends and family to sit and listen, to stand and sing and to do all that together. It is one of the counter-cultural aspects of the School.

The 4:00pm service at Christ Church is for Grades 7 through 11 while the 7:00pm service at the School Chapel is for the graduating class of 2020, the Grade 12s.

It was just over one hundred years ago that this service was first inaugurated in December 1918 following the overwhelming and devastating ravages of the First World War. The service speaks of peace and hope in the face of the horrors of war and the evils of our humanity. It awakens us to the real dignity of our humanity as the counter to our deadly destructiveness. It is found in paying attention to the pageant of God’s Word coming as light into the darkness of the world and into the darkness of our hearts.

All are invited and encouraged to attend. The 7:00pm evening service in the School Chapel will be followed by a reception in Stanfield Dining Hall to which our Grade 12 students and their families and guests are invited. It is a wonderful way to end the term, just before exams, and to enter into the joys and blessings of the Advent and Christmas season.

Community involvement is a huge part of your child's education at King's-Edgehill School. We know that getting out and helping others builds connection, confidence and empathy; plus it just makes our students happy. This Student Volunteer Download shows some of the ways KES students are making contributions to stronger communities.
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