Inside King's-Edgehill School

Volume: 5 Issue: 5

Dear KES Family,

I visited the girls’ residence Vair McLellan this week and admired the large murals they are painting to brighten large_photo344882_4631583up the walls. The two completed pieces are gorgeous works of pop art. The first is of Wonder Woman, the second is of a woman on the phone saying hello in languages that represent their different countries of origin (you can see photos in the slideshow below).

I find Wonder Woman an intriguing choice. She is the original Katniss Everdeen ofThe Hunger Games, or Priss of Divergent, or Melanie from The Host. These modern-day heroines are an interesting Amazonian mixture of strength and femininity combined. Whether they are reluctant heroines thrust into situations by virtue of their own principles (Katniss offering to take her sister’s place in the annual Hunger Games for example), or whether they are simply being true to themselves (Priss choosing the Dauntless faction), in the end they are all exceptionally physical teenage girls who will fight for what they believe is right. I am okay with this. I am also okay with boys seeing women as strong and capable and principled.

Our first report cards are available online on Sunday. Research has shown that generally students perform better over the long term if we focus on the effort they put into their studies rather than on the achievement grade. The conclusions being that children may coast and relax a bit when they receive good marks, or be de-motivated when they receive poor grades. Over time, by focusing on effort we are likely to see greater attempts to achieve.


Joe Seagram

This week in pictures.


Week 5

79 Images