Inside King's-Edgehill School

Exams in Grade 7

Today is the final day of exams at our school.  For many students, the thought of exams brings anxiety and exams2dread. This is, in part, because many schools do not begin presenting their students with exams until Grade Ten.

At King's-Edgehill School, your child need not experience the same apprehension. We prepare our students for exams with tools, tips and practice. In Grade 7, as part of the Junior School curriculum, we introduce students to the exam experience. We believe that having the younger students take exams helps to build a strong foundation for academic success as they continue their education.  By the time our students reach Grade 10, they are familiar with the exam setting and are aware of the preparation and study skills needed to do well.

King's-Edgehill School includes exams in the Junior School curriculum from Grade 7 for several reasons.

  • It is important for the faculty to make sure the students comprehend the curriculum.
  • The students learn the importance of ongoing study and preparation.
  • As the student progresses through each grade, they improve their study skills.
  • Students become more aware of their own academic strengths and weaknesses.
  • Students who have participated in exams in the Junior School are far more comfortable with the process as they advance to each grade.
  • Students learn at an early age the importance of time management.
  • Based on the outcome of exams, faculty can modify curriculum to better meet the needs of the students.

The King's-Edgehill Junior School Director has developed a program designed to meet the academic and emotional needs of younger students. The program includes small class sizes and a faculty who are committed to providing a nurturing educational environment. This allows for all students to develop to their full potential.

Including exams in the Grade 7 curriculum gives King's-Edgehill School students a great advantage as they progress through Senior School and onto university. By the time our students reach Grade 10 they have learned that an exam is more than just feeding information back to teachers. Students learn to become involved in their own educational process and find value and purpose in every subject that they take. When students are prepared this way, exams become a way of stimulating the intellectual process and are not simply a test of rote knowledge.

As a parent, you want the best educational opportunities for your child. At King's-Edgehill School, by starting the exam process with our Junior School students, we make sure that your child is prepared emotionally and academically for their future educational endeavours.

Ready to learn more about our school and picture yourself on campus: Download the photojournal  A Day in the Life of a King's-Edgehill School Day Student, and see just what it looks like when you're here.

A Day in the Life
