Inside King's-Edgehill School

German Baking with Frau Stuart Episode 3: Kiwitorte

zoom_news1340754_1348025Spring is here, bringing more of its gorgeous colours each day. In Germany, spring and summer are the times for so called “Obstkuchen” or “Obsttorten”, fresh or canned fruit cakes. You can take a break from your studies, sit on your porch in the sun with a cup of tea and sweeten your day with a piece of “Kiwitorte”. I chose this recipe not only for its popularity during warm weather but also for nostalgic reasons since not a spring or summer goes by without my Mom making this cake at least once. Whenever Mr. Stuart, the kids and I visit my family in the summer, “Kiwitorte” is on the menu. For me, it is the taste of home. With my parents not being able to travel to visit us in Nova Scotia as they had planned due to COVID-19, I thought I would at least make something that reminds me of them. So here is to my parents in Germany!
Like the German chocolate cake, you can exchange ingredients to your liking. Even though the “Obstkuchen” in this particular recipe is called “Kiwitorte”, you can replace the kiwis with a fruit you prefer if you do not like kiwis. However, I have experienced that even people who are not usually that fond of kiwis really like them in combination with the rest of this cake so maybe give it a try. Other popular “Obsttorten” fruits are all types of berries, cherries, bananas, grapes, and canned peaches. Sometimes people make their “Obsttorte” very colourful by using a variety of fruit. The same goes for Jell-O which is part of this cake. The recipe calls for sweet woodruff taste (“Waldmeister”), a popular Jell-O flavour in Germany. If you cannot find that in any store in your country, just use your favorite Jell-O flavour.
As always, I am really looking forward to seeing your pictures and your own interpretations of this recipe. Enjoy baking and Guten Appetit!
Here is the link to German Baking with Frau Stuart Episode 3: Kiwitorte

Click here for the recipe. 
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