It has been said that we are truly in unprecedented times. One event that has brought our schedule back to some kind of normality has been the start of teaching this school year. It has been so rewarding to start teaching again! Students arrive to class with lots of positive energy and are ready to learn.

In the Art Department, students from Grades 6-12 who are taking Art, have each received their own plastic zip bag which will hold their own art supplies. As we experiment with different materials, they will be given their own supplies which they will be using throughout this school year. We started with pencils, erasers, and art pencils, and the supplies will grow when we cover new media.

In the Grade 10 Art class, we covered self portraits using pencil and the students had the option to experiment with watercolours on a copy of their drawing. It was interesting to see how they reflected themselves in this project, and it has been a first to see drawings with masks. It truly does say something about the times we are going through.

I hope you enjoy the works of art.
You’ll find countless opportunities to express your artistic interests at our School. The Arts make up one of the four pillars of a King’s-Edgehill School education.