Inside King's-Edgehill School

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Grade 10 Works of Art

“Deconstruction Art” originated by the philosopher Jacques Derrida. Deconstruction is an approach to understanding the relationship between text and meaning (in the usage of language). In Art: The act of breaking something down into separate parts in order to understand its meaning, especially when this is different from how it was previously understood.
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Three students in my Grade 10 Art class, Noah Szymanis, Ethan Hiscott and Patrick Browne decided to try this technique for their sculpture unit. Using one laptop computer and a moderator, they deconstructed the two pieces and saved all the parts including the screws, etc. After this, they composed a design using all of the parts on a 4 feet x 4 feet Masonite board. Because they wanted the audience to focus on the design, they spray painted it white and then black on one side. The gold touches are to emphasize the interesting design pieces. The mural is almost completed, and when it is, it will be permanently displayed in the Tech Office across from the Slounge. Amazing work, gentlemen!
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I hope you enjoy viewing the beautiful paintings by our Grade 10 artists.

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