Inside King's-Edgehill School

Grade 11 Self Portraits

I am always amazed when I mention to the IB Grade 11 class that we are drawing “self portraits” that the students don’t run out the door. A self portrait is one of the hardest subjects to draw in art.

Self Portraits
After saying this, I want to share what an amazing job my students have done for their first self portraits project. They had the choice of any drawing material and any view, keeping in mind that the profile and three-quarter view are more difficult angles to draw.

The students should be very proud of their accomplishments! Now on to the next project.

The wonderful thing about striving to be more is that you never know where you might end up. Through our International Baccalaureate Programme, our students are able to pursue post-secondary education almost anywhere in the world. Download our IB Guidebook here.

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