Inside King's-Edgehill School

Headmaster's Weekly Newsletter Week 23

Dear KES Family:

large_photo1069227_9922864A year ago while in Phoenix, Arizona, I was driving our Girls’ Prep Basketball Team in our big van when I had to stop for a lengthy red light near our hotel. In front of us a tall man crossed the street. He was dancing. Earbuds firmly in place, this fellow was definitely in a happy place as he moved and grooved across the street and down the sidewalk. There are few pedestrians in Phoenix and our dancing friend had the wide sidewalk all to himself. He was really good and we all had a wistful chuckle at how wonderful it must be to be so immersed in the movement inspired by music that it did not matter who or how many were watching. Free of inhibitions, he was happily enjoying the freedom of dance and expressive movement.

I was envious of this fellow. It is a rare moment any of us have when we are our unfettered and true selves.

This week I have witnessed several of these rare moments. They have come when our students have demonstrated comfort and trust in those around them. They represent a huge compliment to all present. An example would be Victoria Dubois (2021) who was as wonderfully emotive playing her flute as she was dancing on stage or singing during the Coffee House. The same could be said of Alissa Pape (2023) whose interpretive dancing was simply magical. There was a moment during the Coffee House when the feeling in the Music Room was uniquely warm and intimate. We could all feel it. Most of all perhaps was Ella Brown (2020)who has been here since Grade 6. Surrounded by the glow of camaraderie and creative expression, Ella danced and sang her heart out with her good friends all evening.

You will see in the photos below some pictures of the Junior and Senior Girls’ basketball teams. Alas, while I was taking the photos, I noticed that their shot percentage dropped. Knowing that one’s Headmaster is taking an action photo might be distracting when one is shooting for the basket! Sometimes we play best when no one is watching.


Joe Seagram

This week in photos


