Inside King's-Edgehill School


Headmaster's Weekly Newsletter -- Week 27

Dear KES Family:

The Air Canada's Boeing 767 has a capacity of 375 people. Upon arriving in Hong Kong this week, my suitcase was the first in line. How lucky is that? Considering that the flight was full and that many passengers had two or more bags, I figure that my suitcase had at best a 1 in 400 chance of being first. It was marvelous - no anxious waiting period as other passengers collected their bags and left the airport. No wondering if my bag was still in Vancouver. Instead, I was first out of the baggage claim area. What was even better was seeing King's-Edgehill alumnus Thomas Kam (Head Boy in 1982) waiting for me. My mother has always said that it is really nice being picked up at the airport. She is right. Despite my exhaustion and "plane brain", I felt fortunate and buoyant and grateful as I left the airport with Thomas.

Pictured with me at a Rugby 7's game in Hong Kong are Eric McKenna (2004) and Thomas Kam.


The last bit of travel I did on behalf of the School was to Miami where I visited a half dozen schools as part of a facilities tour. Many of the schools were gorgeous and blessed with magnificent venues for athletics and the arts. However, I could not help but notice that every school was hidden behind high walls, security gates, and razor wire (in some cases). All of them had security booths and police cars at their entrances. Visitors must have appointments and must show government issued identification. Each is given a visitor sticker to wear. This includes your name, the date, the time you entered and the time you must have vacated the premises. I understand the necessity for good security, but I could not imagine having the same kind of barricaded and secured enclave at King's-Edgehill School. We have cameras and alarms and night security, and we practice lockdowns as much as we do fire drills, but we don't live in fear. I cannot imagine what it would be like, and I hope we never find out.

Joe Seagram

This week in Photos



