Inside King's-Edgehill School

Headmaster's Weekly Newsletter -- Week 8

Dear KES Family:

When someone opens their heart and shares their story it is a gift. This week in Senior Assembly, faculty members Kevin Lakes and Nathalie Hardy put together a powerful presentation about the importance of Remembrance Day.  They spoke eloquently and were joined by students Sarah Hardy and Justin Day (both Class of 2022) who told us why, as children in military families, Remembrance Day is meaningful for them. By the time Sarah had finished speaking my mask was damp with tears.
I have always been grateful for the respectful manner in which our student body receives personal and emotional messages. There is a communal tenderness for the speaker. However, if I was proud of the Senior School’s attentive support of their classmates and teachers, I was overwhelmed when our Head of Mathematics, Mary Ann Dufour, went up to the stage.
Recently retired from the Armed Forces, Mary Ann’s husband Ken was deployed many times overseas. For the first time, Mary Ann performed an original song which describes the love and heartache she felt at home when Ken was in harm’s way.  Sung with a rare power and authenticity, Mary Ann’s song plucked our heart strings as beautifully as her guitar strings. The students were rapt. Tears and hugs followed as her last chords signalled the end of Assembly.
On a lighter note…and speaking of gifts…my Headmaster’s Council is populated by a wonderful and diverse group of students. Capably led by grads Kaylee Hickey and Francois Richard, our dinner meeting this week was at Fry Daddy’s Grill in Windsor. Following our meal and meeting, our server asked if anyone wanted dessert.  We all declined but Isaiah Johnson (Grade 10) asked if she could make a Smores Milkshake for his mother (she was waiting at the School to drive him home). I have never had a Smores Milkshake, but we learned that it is indeed made with toasted marshmallows, chocolate, and Graham Crackers.  I don’t know how many teenage boys would be so thoughtful, but we were all touched!


Joe Seagram


