Inside King's-Edgehill School

IB Artist: Madison "Maddy" Magee

zoom_news1342387_1349074I hope you enjoy our virtual exhibitions. We admire not only our students' skills and creativity but also their courage in sharing their work with us. Please join me in congratulating our 2020 IB Visual Arts students on their hard work and achievements.

I would like to introduce IB Artist: Madison "Maddy" Magee

As someone who is naturally passionate about equality in all aspects of society, I wanted my theme to represent the objectification of women’s bodies, something that I can personally relate to. With my seven pieces that I created intended for the IB art show, I wanted people to think more deeply about the judgements that are perpetuated against women because of how their bodies look. In the generation where social media is a popular way for people to share photos of themselves, a lot of women, especially, face plenty of criticism everyday for not having the ‘ideal’ body. I wanted to use my art to highlight how all bodies have the same function and purpose and one or the other should not be seen as an object to critique at any given moment.

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