Inside King's-Edgehill School

KES Headmaster Newsletter -- Issue 29

Dear KES Family:

zoom_photo593360_7176678.jpgWe are being inspected this week by the International Baccalaureate Organization. Like a nervous driver who, upon seeing a police car on the highway, instantly feels guilty and slows down, I have felt nervous all week (but it’s true, I feel guilty whenever I see the police, too – can’t help it!). When we are being evaluated it is only natural to be unsettled. The inspectors have been very good (so far anyway, we have not seen the report yet…) and the back-to-back-to-back interviews and sessions they have run hour after hour speak highly of their training and dedication. I kind of like them, too, even though the pens they wield are mightier than any sword.

The challenge of any inspection is time. Like the food critic who descends upon a restaurant for one meal on a particular evening, school inspectors must “thin slice” (to borrow a Malcolm Gladwell expression) and draw conclusions and accurate impressions quickly. I am sure that the final report will be very positive, but my pins and needles will likely stay until they have said goodbye.

Fortunately, for our IB Visual Art students whose work is on display this week, it is indeed possible to create an absolutely accurate and positive impression instantly. I am sure you will agree from the photos in the slideshow below, that in sum, the artistic creations are fabulous. Many of them are out-and-out stunning and gorgeous. I am in awe of anyone who can draw well, but I am doubly so with what Sandy Stewart has been able to do with her students.

Joe Seagram

This week in photos


