Inside King's-Edgehill School

Are you up for the Challenge?

Last week our challenge was “Send us the last KES photo you took on your phone” and the response was awesome! I hope you enjoy the pictures. The winner, announced at Wednesday’s Assembly by our Headmaster, is Eva Redmond. Eva is a current Grade 12 Prefect and she won KES swag. Congratulations, Eva!

Our next challenge is “get to know me in GIFS”. To be entered in this contest, please go on our Instagram and “screen shot the get to know me story and fill it out with GIFS“ and tag us #stayconnected #kes. Good luck for Wednesday’s draw. You can’t win if you don’t play!
Tune in to stay connected!
This isn't the only example of King's-Edgehill School students and families contributing positively to our wider community. There are many opportunities to have an impact at KES. Read more about our Student Volunteers here.
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