Mr. Lakes shares his weekly conversation with former KES student, Pedro Arjona Franco (2019-2020).
Sometimes the best connections, conversations, and catchups are spontaneous, brief and come at just the right time. This week, I was navigating Distance Learning, along with my students, and minimized my in-person contacts within my small community. Then I heard from Pedro from Mexico City via a Whatsapp call. It was just what I needed!
Pedro was in my Grade 9 class last year, and we “touched base” to check in. I am pleased to report that Pedro is doing well and has built upon his KES Junior School experience this year at the Eton School in Mexico City. His main accomplishment was his International Baccalaureate Project which he excitedly described to me.
Pedro took on the resurrection of a family vehicle which had been destroyed in an accident. The Wagoneer SUV was totalled; however, he made it a focus of his studies and rebuilt the vehicle for his project. “I enjoyed it,” he says. “Because I managed to do it with an open-mind and all the fruit of creativity that I experienced in the Canadian way of teaching,” he added in his typical poetic manner.
Although all his classes have been online this year, he still manages to see friends and build relationships with caution. “We did not have in-person school, but we would get together at private homes,” he describes.
Pedro remains the articulate and thoughtful young man who grew independent during his year at KES. He is the type to remain connected and creative. He appears on the road to success – soon to be driving his Wagoneer down the busy streets of Mexico City.