Thane Morgan ‘22 has made the adjustment to university life at Western University’s Huron College in London, Ontario.
“The key is to get involved,” says Thane. “It was an adjustment after King’s, but I joined clubs right away and had a great year.”
Thane became the business faculty representative on the Huron Student Council and later became the vice president of the Toast Masters Club on campus. “Yes, I have continued to be excited about debating and public speaking,” he said. Thane was chosen to speak on behalf of the 254 King’s-Edgehill School Highland Cadet Corps when we travelled to the Netherlands in September of 2019 and built on this momentum now into his studies at the post-secondary level.
I ran into Thane when I stopped at the Superstore near the Halifax Stanfield International Airport a few weeks ago. Thane has returned for the summer and has already procured a job as a client advisor intern at the Royal Bank of Canada. A rural Nova Scotian at heart, Thane grew up on a farm; however, he enjoys city life.
“It’s nice to be home, but I miss being able to order any type of food for delivery within minutes,” he says with a laugh.
It was a delight to see Thane and hear that he is doing so well.
Kevin Lakes
Junior School Faculty
Junior School Athletics Coordinator