Inside King's-Edgehill School

Daily Fitness Fix

large_news1330411_1342468I hope everyone is doing well despite the difficulties imposed upon all of us by the present COVID-19 pandemic. The start of the KESFF (Fitness Fix) was initiated to bring us all together in a positive way through a regular KES community-wide healthy activity.

Ms. Schafer, Mr. Wamback and I invite our entire KES community to get together to promote overall wellness and health. We understand that some of you already do your own fitness routines through varsity teams, family large_news1330411_1342467walks, outings with pets, and other meaningful activities.  We invite everyone to participate in our 3:30 afternoon Fitness Fix. These workouts provide a balance of sessions including agility training, core workouts, dancercise, yoga and a variety of other activities to challenge each of us, and we can do them at our own level. So far, we have had sessions facilitated by the Headmaster, Mr. Seagram, Mr. Wamback, Ms. Schafer, Mr. Hillier, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Sasaki, Ms. Pennington, Mr. Foley and Mr. Hadley. We have an upcoming session with Ms. Cummings, with dancercise on April 14th. We large_news1330411_1342466are planning to provide some of our sessions on Instagram to engage more of our students. We will post to Instagram on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to start. We are also planning to keep the same facilitators for upcoming days and weeks. Mondays, Tuesday and Thursdays will be general fitness with Wednesdays for Yoga and Friday will end off with Dancercise.

We understand that some of you are overwhelmed with the recent changes and certainly do not mandate the KESFF but offer it as a positive option. All sessions can be found on our KES YouTube site. Ms. Weisner has also provided some safety tips with videos on proper stretching techniques and other helpful notes to make your fitness activities safe. She is also available for any other assistance you may require. Just send her an email.

We are also planning to have 30-second challenges. We will send you more information later but expect to have a separate 30-second challenge each afternoon on the last week of the month. These challenges will include activities like side-plank, push ups, single-leg wall-sits, etc.

We would love for our entire School community to participate in the afternoon KESFF and please keep in touch and send us your feedback. Please send your 30-second clips to coach Wamback by Saturday each week.
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