Many of our students went to Europe during the March break and when school commenced, they presented a video synopsis of their travels. Pending graduate, JooHyun (Judy) Park and Grade 11 student, Jimin Choe added their twist on the trip with a short video of them breaking out their synchronized dance moves at the various places they visited. To me, this illustrates the importance and infectious enthusiasm fostered by our new dance programme. It has become an integral component of our daily Performing Arts options. Jimin and Judy comment:
Since we don’t have enough time to spend together, we wanted to cherish the moment in Europe in a special way. We love dancing and the dance we performed in the video was popular in our country. Therefore, we decided to make a short film of our dancing at tourist attractions. It is an honor to show our video. We hope you enjoy it!
Our Dr. Seuss inspired, " Oh, The Places You’ll Go!", PhotoJournal is all about travel as a KES student! Travel is your child's opportunity to soar and be more outside of the classroom. Download your copy to find out more.