Our keen KES Performing Arts students have been working on a project that fits within the guidelines of the COVID-19 restrictions. As you are aware, singers have not been allowed to assemble and participate in a choral ensemble. Nevertheless, that didn't hold back our Arts teachers and our singers and dancers from collaborating in a challenging but fun activity.

Over the course of a couple of weeks, students were assembled and coached on how to sing their individual melodies for a 3-part arrangement of You Will Be Found, a popular song from the Hit Broadway musical, Dear Evan Hansen. Early morning rehearsals prior to class time and afternoon rehearsals after class and before sports filled many days.

This kept Ms. MacLean, Ms. Fillman, and Ms. Sinclair busy and on their toes. Once we felt ready, each participant was filmed in front of a coloured background, singing to a soundtrack. Later, their vocal audio tracks were recorded. Then the recordings were passed off to Mr. Steve Roe to stitch all of this data together on his computer, a major task, indeed. I am blessed to be surrounded by such talent and dedication. Before you look at the final product, I encourage you to follow this link, to read the lyrics of the song, and ponder: has the pandemic made us all feel this way at times?
Click here to view the song.