One of the many benefits of enrolling as a ninth grader at King's-Edgehill School is the opportunity to participate in Canada’s prestigious Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, which is an option within the KES leadership program.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is open to all young people between ages 14 and 25 and addresses four areas: volunteer community service, hobby or skill, physical fitness, and outdoor adventure. KES makes taking part in this award challenge easy by offering many opportunities for students to be involved, including group hiking and camping outings. Our Grade 9 students are also given dedicated class time (leadership class), to work towards the award. Additionally the school helps make volunteering contacts in the community and provides transportation to various volunteering opportunities. The process of working toward this award is a great way to earn high school credit and is an impressive addition to university applications.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award recognizes young people who give back to their community and challenges them to be involved in activities that lead to personal growth, development, and achievement. The main goal is to unlock a student’s potential, allowing them to experience success while making a difference in others lives as well. Students achieve this by setting their own personal goals in this non-competitive program. It is a wonderful way to go beyond their comfort zone by exploring new interests and trying new things they might not have attempted on their own.
There are three award levels: bronze, silver, and gold. Grade nine students begin working toward the bronze level. Your child should expect to spend six months or more to complete this first level, and a year to complete the silver and gold. While we offer a program for our grade 9s, the Duke of Edinburgh support continues through high school for those who continue the award. Everyone has until age 25 to complete the award. Youth can work on more than one component of the award at a time if they so choose. The time taken to complete the award differs for each individual.
As part of our Grade 9 Graduation Ceremony we recognize many bronze level awards. Last year we had more than 85% of Grade 9s receive their award. As students progress through the program and achieve further awards, they receive a pin and certificate at an award ceremony within their Province or Territory. Gold Level ceremonies are presided over by the Governor-General of Canada or by a member of the Royal Family.
Find out why millions of young people have participated in this prestigious award process since it was introduced in Canada in 1963. Taking part in this challenge makes a tangible difference in our students’ lives. To find out how to get started, ideas about the kinds of activities available to participate in, or for more specific Duke of Edinburgh’s Award information, contact us.
There's more fun, fields and friends waiting for you here at KES! Find out more about a typical day in our downloadable photojournal, A Day in the Life of a King's-Edgehill School Day Student.