Inside King's-Edgehill School

Emerging Leaders – Mollybeth Dickinson '26

MollybethJoin Mr. Rory Campbell in the latest edition of Emerging Leaders. This month, we're excited to be featuring Grade 9 student Mollybeth Dickinson.
As a boarding school steeped in tradition, the halls of main dorms have seen many a fine young person grow and mature into leaders in our School and community as they call campus home throughout the school year. Mollybeth Dickinson ‘26 whose sense of humour, sharp intellect, and care for those around her is the latest to emerge as a leader in our boarding community and Junior School. Hailing from Little River, located on the southwest part of Nova Scotia, calls the close-knit community of McLellan House her home away from home.

Although Mollybeth began her time here at KES during the difficult times caused by the pandemic, she has continued to develop as someone both her teachers, house parents, and peers can go to when in need. A fine student, Mollybeth has featured largely as a member of our debate program, was the winner of our Junior School poetry recital earlier this year, and she was a finalist in our Junior School public speaking competition. An avid volunteer, Mollybeth regularly gives of her time both formally and informally in many areas. While definitely a friend to all, Mollybeth’s positive influence and mentorship shown within our boarding community has been especially noteworthy this year as she has been a shining example of how positivity and hard work can make our School community a better place.

What does leadership mean to you?
Leadership, the strength, will, and resilience to encourage people to strive to reach their full potential. Leadership is not about telling people what to do, dictatorship, or force. It is about having the confidence, humility, and compassion to help people towards a goal. Showing people how they can hold these same strengths through relatability is a true example of leadership.  
How would others describe you as a leader?
While I am aware of my reserved nature, I hope others, those who truly know me, think of me as an impactful member of our School. I wouldn’t say outgoing acts of sovereignty are something I do, but I hope through my achievements other students will be encouraged to strive for their best. This year especially I have found myself achieving things I would never had imagined, the fact that this in my first year of debate, I  travelled to Toronto for the junior national debating tournament is extraordinary. I am extremely proud of myself, and I hope that those who are aware of this achievement will see it as something to look up to. By putting in the hard work to achieve my full potential, I hope others are encouraged to do the same. 
Who is someone you look up to in terms of leadership?
The person I look up to as a leader the most is my mother. I find it hard not to look up to my mother, the blood, sweat, and tears she has put in to achieve what she has, will forever encourage me. As an immigrant who built her business from the ground up, she continues to inspire people all around her. Her employers, her friends, and her community are all immensely proud of her, I hope I can be the kind of leader she is. 
Reflecting back on your time here at King’s-Edgehill, what advice or message would you give to Grade 7 Mollybeth?
Coming to a new place, away from home in the height of Covid wasn’t easy, but being the youngest of the entire boarding community didn’t help. While sometimes I would have liked to have children my age to go through this new experience with, I was anything but alone. The older students and faculty welcomed me with great warmth, and for that I will be forever grateful. If Grade 7 me saw me now, I hope she would be proud. I would want her to show that warmth, that she was so grateful for, to everyone, because you never know how much someone might need it. 
What goals do you have for yourself moving forward?
I simply want to do my best. In school, in debate, in life, that is all I can wish for. I am going to continue putting in the effort right until the end of the year, pushing and working through these last months until I graduate. 
As you leave the Junior School for the Senior School next year, how are you feeling about that new chapter?
Next year is going to be new, exciting, and a little intimidating. I'm really looking forward to entering Senior School, as well as a new chapter in my school career. While leaving the familiarity of the Junior School might be uncomfortable at first, I once again am waiting for that same warmth I have experienced throughout my time at King’s-Edgehill School.  
Thanks for taking the time to chat, Mollybeth!
Mr. Rory Campbell
Junior School Faculty
Basketball and Rugby Coach
Stronger Together