One of my objectives as a middle level English educator is to inspire students to act or react from a text, be it a piece of literature, novel, documentary film, play script, or a song. Texts come in all forms and students are constantly encouraged to connect and create fascinating inquiries. Sometimes, these thoughts turn into ideas for final projects or essays. In this case, our English 8 class decided it would be a good idea to write a song together after reading
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. I came up with the first line: "Ender was a spaceman", and the students took to writing the rest. It turned into a great song! It had to be recorded!
On Thursday, February 20, the English 8 class traveled to ECMA nominated producer Mark Adam's recording studio in Gaspereau. Mark is a music professor at Acadia University. One of the main outcomes of this excursion was to gain an understanding and appreciation for rural recording spaces. Many artists and musicians wish to "get away from it all" when they are recording their projects.
Mark was kind enough to give the class a tour of his studio, located in an old barn on a piece of land behind Gaspereau. He then took us through the creative process of recording a song, followed by recording our own song with a choir of English 8 voices! Thank you to Mark and congratulations to the class for writing such meaningful lyrics. Check out the
attached video to hear our song!
Patrick LePoidevin
Junior School Social Studies and English Teacher
Head Coach, Tennis and Curling
Cadet Instructor, Bagpiping

King’s-Edgehill Students have wonderful opportunities to get off campus and still keep learning. Check out fantastic photos and read more about all the places that KES Students travel when you download Oh, The Places You’ll Go!