There’s something to be said for a school with a built-in hockey program. Whether you have one of those
Canadian, fanatical, NHL-daydreamy kids, or your child has never stepped on the ice but is curious to try – King’s-Edgehill School lets you bring hockey into your home, practically hands free!
With a rink right near school (and plans for one on-campus), parents are no longer the sports chauffeur. We don’t need to be at the rink at 6am or 9pm, three to four times a week. Hockey is built right into the school day! And our kids still get all the hockey they want: practice almost daily, superior coaching, off-ice as well as on-ice drills, locker room camaraderie and team spirit, competitions, tournaments, and travel – all the stuff budding hockey stars love about the sport.
If your child has never played hockey, here too King’s-Edgehill School steps in and saves the day: gets your child on the ice with a stick in his or her hand and proper instruction on how to play. Maybe you’re not the best person to teach your new skater about icing, off-sides, blockers and trappers; thankfully, there’s a hockey program for that.
Some community programs leave girls out. The better they get, the fewer their choices – they can play with boys until a certain age, and then it can get hard to find competitive coaching and leagues that support our girls’ development in the sport. King’s-Edgehill has a Prep Girls’ Team that competes with schools across North America (the Prep Girls play in the NAPHA - North American Prep Hockey Association - league), and experienced coaches who have played and coached at elite levels.
Academically, too, the King’s-Edgehill Hockey Program has our kids covered. Daily activity is great for the brain and helps disperse the extra energy some kids have, leaving them ready to focus for the rest of the day. Hockey never replaces nor interferes with schoolwork; even while on the road for competitions, a special schedule is set up and supports put in place so that every team member stays on track.
While many kids are planning to play for the NHL, just in case your budding Sidney Crosby needs a back-up plan: King’s-Edgehill School provides a solid academic foundation, college and university preparation, a fine arts curriculum and performance space, and countless leadership opportunities that offer your child every chance to discover their many, different strengths and passions.
Hockey is a wonderful sport, a way to love winter, and a big part of the Canadian experience. From beginners to elite, from the mildly curious to the fanatical, the King’s-Edgehill Hockey Program has a place for your child. Find out more by downloading our Hockey Handbook here.