Day 1
Well, our first day on Brier Island did not lack any of the adventures that Maritime isolation brings. We departed in the morning and made the 3-hour drive down the Digby Neck to Balancing Rock, where students were able to enjoy the sight of a famous basalt rock formation that teeters over the Bay of Fundy. Along the drive, the skies cleared up allowing us to get some beautiful views of the bay on both sides of the neck. After 2 ferry rides, we were actually soaked! The students enjoyed dancing in the waves that were breaching up and over the ferry. Direct quote from Kai Choo: "Look, Mr. L, I'm kicking the water back into the ocean!" As we arrived on Brier, we were greeted by many seals, sheep, and decorative deserted fishing vessels as we walked up to the lodge to check in. We took an afternoon hike to a nearby lighthouse. Jamie tried out his hitchhiking skills but, unfortunately, there weren't many locals on the road. Our first day ended with a beautiful film screening of "A Place of Tide and Time," a doc that features life in the isolated fishing community of Saint Paul River in far East Quebec. This was followed by an excellent discussion featuring topics about life in extreme isolation, benefits of ecotourism, and differences in technology. Tomorrow will bring more hiking, meeting people in town, and an evening bonfire.

Day 2
It was another eventful day for us on the island. We woke up to an absolutely beautiful sunrise overlooking Long Island across the water. We began our day with a hike from the Brier Island lighthouse on the southwest corner of the island. Students were able to learn about all kinds of flora and fauna as we hiked along the shoreline. Lunch consisted of fresh caught haddock and chips back at the lodge. The afternoon was spent in town learning about the community and meeting as many folks as we could in a few hours. In a somewhat structured scavenger hunt, students connected with individuals and learned about the history of certain industries on the island. Perhaps a highlight for many was a bonfire after dinner at Pond Cove. It took all of 2 minutes for Ann McQuarrie’s Cape Breton heritage to come out through her unbelievable voice and guitar playing. Many popular tunes were played while we roasted marshmallows and made smores. While at the fire, James Griffiths tapped us on the shoulder and quietly asked if he could speak to the entire group. He just wanted to say that "this has been absolutely the best day of his entire life." Time to get some more much needed sleep before the journey home tomorrow.

Day 3
Overall, it was another meaningful excursion to Brier Island with the Grade 7 students. Our third day began with some quick and efficient packing so we were ready to roll. This gave us time to spend the remainder of the morning hanging out on some beautiful rocks on the other side of the island looking out over the bay. The students had an interesting conversation about the impacts of colonialism in early British North America, followed by what I might call "ocean bathing." Each student chose a comfortable spot on the rocks and we engaged in some deep relaxation, only listening to the sounds of nature and hoping that our silence would bring all the wildlife closer. We ended up hearing beautiful sounds of nearby ocean birds and saw some porpoises dancing in the water close to the shore. How could a trip with Ms. Sasaki not include some Grade 7 students doing yoga on the edge of the Atlantic.

A big thank you to all of our chaperones: Ms. Sinclair for bringing her vibrant, positive energy everywhere all the time, Ms. Sasaki for bringing us deep relaxation and Mr. Kershaw for getting students very well prepared for the next time Brier Island comes up as a theme on Jeopardy. Another excellent excursion.
Indoors, outdoors, close by, far away, from under the sea to on top of a mountain: Travel is a wonderful opportunity to learn, try, strive, help and grow. Find out about the many chances your child will have to travel as a King’s-Edgehill student! Download, Oh The Places You’ll Go!, a Photo Journal about travel at KES.