Inside King's-Edgehill School

Headmaster's Weekly Newsletter -- Week 34

Dear KES Family:

large_photo1521555_10704363A few years ago, Belinda gave me a book on survival. Written by Cody Lundin, it has the usual descriptions of how to prepare for your expedition, what to include in your emergency kit, how to start fires and build shelters, etc. However, what really caught my interest was how much emphasis he put into the absolute necessity for having a positive attitude and controlling one’s fear.
In Lundin’s list of the eleven essential skills and know how that people must possess to survive, at the very top is a positive attitude.  “Survival,” he says, “is 90 percent psychology.” How we think affects our mood and our body in tangible and powerful ways. Research has shown that attitude, self-esteem and humour influence changes in heart rate, hormones, and body chemistry.  I agree with Lundin when he writes, “How we think and feel about the world affects our perception about everyone and everything.”
So where am I going with this?
Without question, we are all in a kind of extended survival situation right now. We are all dealing with uncertainty, with fear, and with the uncomfortable conditions imposed upon us by this pandemic. How we react to these changes dictates how we treat those around us, and how we treat ourselves.  Over 2,000 years ago Horace wrote, “Rule your mind or it will rule you.” Two millennia later and this advice is still awesome!
Keeping our happy thoughts, keeping a positive attitude, is a skill that we must learn. It is essential for our health and the health of those around us. Like any other skill, it requires effort to acquire.  Ruling our mind takes effort. Does it take more effort than sprinting front hill or studying for a math test? I don’t know, but it seems to me that the reward is not only a healthier and happier life for oneself, but for those around us as well. Totally worth it. Like Sidney Crosby shooting thousands of pucks for countless hours into an old clothes dryer, the work pays off.
I texted back and forth with Head Girl Sarah Bell this week. At one point she wrote, “It is unfortunate that our year was cut short, but I’m so thankful that we got the solid 7 months we did get.” I love this. I also love that in the weeks ahead we will have so many virtual celebrations. Be it the Athletics Banquet, the Arts Gala, the Grade 9 Graduation, or our now famous Closing Day Ceremonies movie (produced by Faucher Films!), there are many wonderful things yet to come.


Joe Seagram


