Inside King's-Edgehill School


Headmaster's Weekly Newsletter -- Week 35

Dear KES Family:

June has arrived!

The last week of classes for this academic year is over and it has been, as usual, packed with activity and large_photo732893_8354860achievement. The provincial championships in Track and Field and Rugby are underway – who knows what elation or heartbreak lies ahead? The Junior Rugby Team is away in New Brunswick for The Gathering of the Scots, a fabulous weekend of highland games and Scottish culture in addition to rugby. All our students will be wearing their very own Black Watch kilts this weekend. Great fun!
And a huge shout out to Laura Gillis and Joanna Bond who are starring in Quick as a Wink Theatre’s production of Seussical in our theatre this weekend and next. Wow. These girls know how to fill their days with joyful and meaningful activity.

It is at this time of the year when everything seems to be a last time. The last Chapel Service, the last practice, the last Assembly, the last class. Somehow these times always seem emotionally laden with a happy/sad/content feeling to them. I get teary eyed very quickly. Somehow, happy occasions make my heart swell and my eyes water very quickly. When I see goodness and kindness I cannot help but get blubbery. That is how I felt the night I had my last Headmaster’s Council meeting with my team of Tessa Firth, Téa Racozzi, Justin Betance, Pin-Yu (Steven) Huang, Paulina Galvan, Righo Etou, and Mya Snarr. Our meeting started with Tessa presenting me with a Thank You card which was loaded with personal notes. I tried desperately to hide my teary eyed-ness.

A friend of mine is the former President and CEO of Mackenzie Investments, an investment company with over $64.4 billion in its holdings. One day we were discussing business and the importance of relationships. I will never forget him telling me, “Joe, my world is all about please and thank-you.” I was caught by surprise. I thought his world would be all about corporate research and rates of return.

We cannot say Please and Thank You enough, can we? Be it at an Athletic Banquet or in the daily course of our lives. This is indeed the time of year to recognize just how fortunate we are and to give thanks to our parents, to the alumni who help make so much happen, to the faculty and staff, and to our wonderful students.  

Joe Seagram

Thank you to Federico and Clara Cisneros and Juanita Giles for this week's photos.

This week in photos


