Inside King's-Edgehill School

Junior School Halloween House Extravaganza

Friday, October 30th, was anything but a usual day on campus.  In fact, it was a “dress-up” day instead of the more conventional “dress-down” day, and the theme was Halloween!
The fun began first thing in the morning as witches, angels, pirates, hockey players, hippies, Ninja Turtles, M&M’s, Jelly Belly’s and other ghoulish creatures made their way to first class.  It was our annual Junior School Halloween spooktacular and, after a uniquely productive day in the classrooms, all students gathered in the Athletic Centre for the Annual Halloween House Extravaganza.  The parade of costumes was impressive, but the judges recognized the following students in the annual costume competition:

1st-Eva Palov and Rendi Ashley (Ninja Turtles)
2nd-Kai Choo (Castle Crashers’ Red Knight)
3rd-Kohen Wainman & Hunter Hood (Scary Clown & Cry Baby)

James GriffithsAnnika Zeggelaar and Maanvi Manchineni almost shattered the glass in the entrance way with shrill sounds as they competed in the best scream contest, where they earned 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, respectively.   Laughter echoed throughout the gymnasium as students performed their best death scene; 1st place went to Jessica Etou, 2nd place to the Grade 9 Among Us characters, and 3rd place to the Santa Claus and steampunk scientist duo of Ryan MacDougall and Rowan Francis.  The maniacal laugh contest was won by Tony Ojinere, with Sabine Wellard and Rylan MacInnis finishing 2nd and 3rd
The fun continued with break-out activities organized by our Grade 9 Leadership Students including a photo scavenger hunt (1stLola WambackAva Herritt and Ann MacQuarrie; 2ndSadie JungerDanielle HebertAli MacLean and Isaac Woodworth; 3rdMaanvi Manchineni, Ryan MacDougall, Maddy FlemingOwen Xu, West Rafuse and Isabella Barker), a pumpkin carving competition (1stCooper Pape, Gerardo Espinosa and Nolan Herritt; 2ndMaran Hawley, Anastasia Dewar and Annika Zeggelaar; 3rd: Bristol Quinn and Grace Roddis) and a delicious Halloween cookie decorating station (thanks to Fiona MacDonald for providing the homemade sugar cookies!). At the end of the day, everyone agreed that it was a Halloween party that we would all remember.   Special thanks go to our Grade 9 organizing committee for making this event a true extravaganza! 
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