I enjoy exposing new talent in our Newsletters; students who I have not featured before. Masaki Miyakawa (Grade 11), from Tokyo, Japan, is taking IB Music in SL solo performance this year. He plays both the violin and the acoustic guitar. Before he arrived at my class back in September, he had taken a hiatus from playing music for quite a while, and he was super rusty at first. Nevertheless, despite having to refamiliarize himself with the instruments and the tactile skill needed to make them sound, he persevered. Just before Christmas, Masaki had to perform in front a jury of adjudicators for his term applied skills grade. Here is his performance. He has been putting in a lot of practice time since then and continues to improve his total musicianship on a daily basis. He will give a full recital featuring both instruments in March. I trust that you will agree he is progressing very well.