As a family in the mineral resource industry, we were used to moving on a fairly regular basis. KES was the fourth school that our daughters attended. Skye and Iona arrived at KES in September 2007, graduating five years later in 2012. What attracted us to King's was the small student to teacher ratio; even compared to the girls' previous three private schools, the ratio at KES set it apart, ensuring an unparalleled level of attention and instruction. The other attraction of KES was the athletics program. Our girls enjoyed many sports including soccer, volleyball, skiing, snowboarding, cross-country running, badminton, and swimming. The highlight of their extra curricular experiences was the 2011 Mt. Kiliminjaro climb combined with community service in Kenya. I had been involved in mineral resources since graduating university, working in both corporate communications and office management. In 2014, I stepped back from the corporate world and followed the advice we'd given
Skye and Iona when they were applying to university; find your passion and follow it. For me that was handbags. In the mid 1980s, I graduated from the prestigious Fashion Technique and Design program at Sheridan College, although I was not specifically trained in accessories, I utilized my knowledge in drafting and design and began perfecting the art of leathercraft and handbag design. Named after one of my French ancestors, de Cassagne, my handbag company, is crafting bags here in the beautiful Annapolis Valley. I am enjoying the challenge of starting a new company with the vision of it growing into a recognized Canadian brand.
I think the most important advice I can give future KES students is to not be afraid of making mistakes! It is through making mistakes that we learn and grow. My other piece of advice is to be kind. In these tumultuous times that we find ourselves in, kindness is often overlooked; take the time to make a difference each day in someone else's life. For us, King's-Edgehill School has been a wonderful part of our lives. We hope your family enjoys it as much as we did.

This article was originally printed in the Alumni magazine, read more alumni stories here: