Inside King's-Edgehill School

Our Director of Advancement in Montreal!

To cap off the Advancement and Alumni Office’s fantastic start to 2020, last Monday, Director of Advancement Heather Strickey hopped on an early morning flight to Montreal. She was received by the bitter cold, characteristic of Quebec’s winters, but warm hospitality began with her being granted an early check-in at her hotel—truly a modern miracle.
After getting settled, Heather enjoyed a lunch and catch-up with Alumnus Richard DeMont (1980-82), a professor at Concordia University in Health, Kinesiology, and Applied Physiology, and his spouse, Deanna Errico, a professor at Utica College in Physical Therapy. Later that afternoon, Heather also had tea with Joan Suzanne (Salter) Kirton (1952-56), a brilliant artist whose most recent project is a watercolour collection of small portraits of historically significant women. It was a lovely time, and Heather and Joan’s first-time meeting after corresponding over email for the past 5 years!

The next day, on January 29th, Heather had an opportunity to tour Lower Canada College with other Advancement and Alumni professionals, before hosting a reception for our Montreal-based Alumni at Pub Saint Pierre in the evening. There, she was joined (once again) by Richard DeMont and Deanna Errico, as well as Rick Mezey (1994-96), Alex Harper (2001-03), Phil Miller (2012-14), Tommy Delorme (2012-14), Marc Pompei (2012-13), Bryan Li (2016-17), Shell Jiang (2017-19), and Runjie Huang (2015-16; 2017-19).

On an unrelated note—but indicative of the kindness of others you can find in the most unexpected places—when Heather arrived early for the meet-up at Pub Saint-Pierre, the restaurant was bustling and there was no table for her to sit at. In an altruistic act of kindness, a couple invited Heather to join them at their table, and even tried to pay for her dinner! Todd and Nancy had just moved to Montreal from Kingston, and now have an open invitation to visit campus if they are ever in Nova Scotia.

After two busy Alumni-focussed days, Heather spent the 30th and 31st on Advancement, taking part in the Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education’s Independent Schools Summit for Advancement Professionals.

While back in the office this week, Heather’s off to New York on Monday, and then on to Florida after that. It’s shaping up to be a busy season for our department—in the most wonderful way!

Sarah Mack (2012)
Advancement Administrative Assistant

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