Last week I had the incredible honour of attending the Parliamentary Teachers Institute. Sixty-two teachers from across the country met in our capital to discuss civic engagement and how to empower our youth to have their voice represented in our democracy. The week was a whirlwind of workshops and speakers including Members of Parliament, Senators, the Speakers of both houses and many of the
Parliamentary librarians. I was left with a deep respect for the hours and passion that these individuals put into building Canada as a respected nation that supports equity and diversity. With the Wet'suwet'en protests and a screening of “We Will Stand” telling the story of Colten Boushie, all happening that week, it made for a powerful look at the complex dynamic of Parliament and our government. What I saw was the power in the voice of the individual, and I have returned to my classroom to see my own students not simply as young men and women but instead valuable members of this great country, who it is our responsibility to impassion, empower and engage in the democratic process.
I sat with a lump in my throat as Julie Payette, the Canadian Governor General, spoke of the impact her teachers had on her fearlessness in pursuing her dreams. I then cried as the House of Commons stood in applause for the group of teachers that sat in the gallery during question period.
It was an incredible week, and I am forever grateful for the experience as well as King's-Edgehill's continuous support in creating opportunities for teachers to connect and grow in our profession. This week was a true reminder of why we do what we do.
Our Teachers are very friendly and dedicated. Our students truly feel at home among the friendly people on our campus. If you'd like to find out how welcoming our campus really is, don't hesitate to visit us.