Our Grade 9 Class once again visited the Garden of the Gulf or, as many know it, Prince Edward Island. This annual trip always proves to be a memorable event of learning, laughing and togetherness. Many lesson are always learned including just how cold the waters of the Northumberland Strait are in May, that lobster is delicious and that go-karts go very fast.
The trip is always the beginning of the end for our Grade 9 class, as it builds momentum toward the closing events for the eldest group in our Junior School. Our group enjoyed the Confederation sites, Museum of Industry, arcading, swimming, go karting and an evening at the movies. The trip was exemplified by our annual class photo at Cavendish, celebrating the past year and what lies ahead. I would like to commend our teachers/chaperones: Pat LePoidevin, Stephanie Cummings, Madga Montgomery and Christian Lakes for their diligence, professionalism and fun-loving nature throughout our adventure.
There's always something exciting going on at King's-Edgehill School -- it's in the air. You can hear music in the halls, smell healthy meals cooking, see original artwork and live performances and feel the energy of students who love to learn. Experience it for yourself! Plan your visit here.