Education at King’s-Edgehill School doesn’t end in the classroom, nor is it limited to the campus. The same can be said of the opportunities for enjoyment offered to our students. We offer several trips and travel opportunities during the year, some of which we make available to your child during their school breaks. We know that many students will return home during our extended school breaks, but for those that can’t or want to get involved in extracurricular programming, KES provides wonderful travel opportunities for them.
The dormitories are closed for the Christmas break, for all students to return home. For all other breaks, however, your child has the option to enjoy the rich programming we offer. For each break, there is an opportunity to travel to learn, serve, enjoy, and challenge each student that decides to go.
During the Canadian Thanksgiving break in October, we encourage families to invite some of our international students to enjoy the holidays with them and learn even more about our culture. This is a benefit for your student and the international student, as well as you. You can learn from each other and truly appreciate the meaning of this holiday and its traditions.
For the November break, there is usually a trip to New York or some other location that offers cultural and educational enhancement. The January winter break is a time to enjoy winter activities. Some of them may be adventure-filled with mountain climbing, skiing and shopping.
During the March break, there are a few trips that the students may choose from. These include an educational tour through Europe and every other year a trip to Africa. The trips may change from year to year, but every year there will be enriching trips and programming offered for your child to take advantage of.
These trips are in addition to the class trips offered at KES for your child. Feel free to view the PhotoJournal, Oh, the Places You’ll Go! – with some of the previous trips students at King’s-Edgehill have taken during breaks as well as on planned class outings.
These trips give your child the chance to learn about themselves, form bonds with each other, help others that are in need, and test the limits of what they thought they could do. Some trips are indeed all about fun, allowing your child to fully enjoy their time when school is out. Others are aimed at helping them learn about other cultures, locations, and languages. While still others are about challenging students to reach within themselves, lean on each other, and show themselves to be good stewards of the earth as well as helpful and concerned for the well-being of others.
When selecting a boarding school for your child, consider a school like KES that takes a whole approach, educating and nurturing your child in a community setting. Not all boarding schools offer such enriching options for students outside the classroom and campus community. At KES producing a well-rounded individual is essential, one of our main goals and these trips are just one way we extend ourselves to the growth and development of your child.
As you can see, King’s-Edgehill Students have wonderful opportunities to get off campus and still keep learning. Check out fantastic photos from around the world and read more about all the places that KES Students travel when you download Oh The Places You’ll Go!