This is an historic day in Canada. 9 April 1917 was the start of a momentous campaign during the First World War, the Battle of Vimy Ridge. The decades since the Battle of Vimy Ridge have slipped by, but the legacy of the Canadians who accomplished so much in that important First World War battle lives on. Some say that Canada came of age as a country on those harsh April days in 1917.
From a Cadet perspective, we have always played an important role in remembering this battle at cenotaphs across Canada and at Vimy Ridge. In these unprecedented times, we invite the entire King’s-Edgehill Family to take part in a virtual moment of remembrance as part of our collective efforts to stay at home "together".
To participate in this important act of remembrance we ask that this evening, at 8:00pm, in your local time zone you take part:
- There is no dress code for this evening. The main thing is that we are together as families to mark the occasion. As a military member I will be wearing my dress uniform. I would love to see the Cadets in their Highland Dress. If you don’t have it with you at home, perhaps your School uniform. If not, then just relax and dress nicely.
- Light a candle or use a virtual candle.
- Wear a poppy if you have one.
- Observe two minutes of silence.
- Take a selfie or image and post to your own social media. Tag the School and/or send the picture through Instagram/facebook/Twitter. Feel free to email your photos to Mrs Judy DesRoches or me. Please include your name and where you are.
Although we are apart, we can come together to show our respect for this important battle that helped to shape our nation.
If you have questions or want to try something more to help virtually remember this important date, please reach out and contact me.
This year let's all honour this important milestone.
As always, stay safe and stay healthy.
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