If you have hesitations about sending your child away to travel on a school trip, then you need to know that taking a trip with KES is about more than just sightseeing. While seeing the world outside of school is a huge benefit to encouraging your child to participate in one of the School’s many travel opportunities, there are other benefits as well, some of which may surprise parents who are new to KES.
Encouraging your child to go on school trips means you are giving them permission to spread their wings and participate in a wide range of experiences and challenges that would not otherwise be afforded to them.
Many children gain the most self-confidence when they leave the safety net of their parents and even the classroom setting. Children who travel with their peers learn new skills, experience team building, improve problem solving skills, and are known to be more self-aware. It can also help parents see that their child is ready to be more independent in his or her every day life.
Some parents have found school trips a great way for students to experience a taste of boarding life and to ease transition to boarding. It allows students to see for themselves how they can start to gain independence without mom or dad around and how much school has to offer them in terms of personal growth and development. As many house parents often chaperone many of our trips, they also get to witness the care and support that these valuable staff members have for each student.
Students who are given the opportunity to travel with KES are able to spend more leisure time with like-minded peers and develop deep friendships that are likely to last a lifetime. They are also given the opportunity to get to know their chaperons on a more personal level, whether this is house parents, teachers or other KES staff members.
Traveling offers students in all grades the opportunity to learn and grow outside of the classroom environment, engaging students on a higher level that often results in a student wanting to travel and explore the world even more.
For more information on KES trips, including proposed trips for the 2016-17 school year, click here.