Because of the up and down weather forecasted over our Thanksgiving Break, we held our breaths when we left the School with 7 students (Ayumu, Jose, Kris, Laura, Ella, Isa, and Svenja) and 2 chaperons (Mrs. Verryn-Stuart and Mrs. Schafer) on Sunday, October 13th to go on a sea kayaking adventure.

Everyone was in great spirits when we arrived at East Coast Outfitters in Lower Prospect despite having to put on another layer of clothes and then we debated whether we should be wearing hats and gloves to brace the wind and the choppy sea in our sturdy double kayaks. After a few minutes of getting used to navigating the kayaks, we made our way through the “Caribbean of Nova Scotia” observing marine life and paddling against the lowering tide to make it through a “gate” only accessible at higher water levels. Soon, we were rewarded for our efforts when the gorgeous white sand beach of Hearn Island welcomed us for our rest stop. It was like being in paradise or in an episode of “Survivor” – we had the island all to ourselves and enough food to last us at least a day if the sea washed away our boats.

We climbed up on a rock that was towering over the beautiful beach from which we not only enjoyed a spectacular view but also had the most amazing “picnic on the rocks”. Even though the sun was hiding behind the clouds most of the day, the winds died down on our paddle back to the ECO base giving us a calmer sea. Since the air temperature was slightly lower than the water temperature, Ella, Laura, Svenja and Isa decided that it would be a great idea to go for a refreshing swim in the Atlantic Ocean – in October. The brave girls gave the most amazing synchronized water-entry performance, and I was happy to be the person behind and not in front of the camera! We ended this exciting day with a stop at Boston Pizza where we filled our bellies and made plans for another paddle adventure. It always makes us happy to see how our students embrace and enjoy the outdoors!
What do King's-Edgehill School boarding students do on the weekend? Download the KES PhotoJournal, A Day in the Life of a Boarding Student, to find out.