King's-Edgehill believes in providing our students with the highest quality education possible in order to achieve success. One of the ways
that we ensure our students' academic achievement is to incorporate an inclusive sports program. There has been numerous studies that support the belief that participation in youth sports has a positive impact in a variety of areas encompassing a student's education as a whole and the skills learned along the way can last well into adulthood.
It has been found that children who participate in youth sports programs gain more advantages over those who do not participate. These benefits can include higher overall GPA achievement, higher Math and English testing scores, fewer missed days at school, and higher levels of enrolment in university, just to name a few.
We believe that inclusive youth sports among all of our students can positively influence our students' experience with supportive and structured programs that emphasize just how important personal academic achievements are.
With all of King's-Edgehill students participating in our sports and athletics programs, each student is assured additional opportunities for positive interactions with adult role models. With more peer interaction, there are increased chances for your child to learn important life skills, which include working with others as a group, how to show persistence when faced with a challenge, how to accept constructive criticism, as well as the importance of following rules. Combine these great benefits with building healthy habits, discipline and higher self-confidence over a lifetime, and you would be hard pressed to find a downside to inclusive sports programs.
Students can choose a variety of programs to participate in throughout the year, and can choose to do so in a competitive aspect or as a recreation. With inclusive and required sports programs, you can be sure that your student is getting a high-quality, well-rounded education that implements comprehensive advancement and learning opportunities on multiple levels.