Inside King's-Edgehill School

The Flipped Classroom

King’s-Edgehill School is always striving to improve the academic learning atmosphere for our students. As faculty, we know it’s essential to teach with the best resources possible to make certain that each student succeeds at KES and beyond.

As part of emphasizing new ways to learn, we’ve introduced the flipped classroom into twenty percent of our current teaching curriculum.  The flipped classroom gives our students a new way to learn. 

Flipped Classroom Model

The foundation of the flipped classroom is that the lectures and homework aspects of the class are reversed. flipped classroomLectures and videos which are traditionally provided in the classroom instead make up the homework. The normal homework assignments are completed during class time. With this process comes a role reversal: teachers empower the student to engage in the learning experience through discussions and classroom exercises.


The main benefit is to enhance students’ overall learning experience which is why more and more schools are participating in this higher cognitive teaching method.

  • Students are able to review lectures and videos at their own pace. The videos can be viewed repeatedly and paused while the student researches concepts and key words. The process allows the student to review and learn the material more comprehensively. 
  • The student can also note questions for class time. When students ask questions about the materials, peer discussions ensue, which help students learn. Many students learn better when a concept is explained by a peer.
  • By taking the lectures and short videos outside the classroom, homework develops a deeper meaning.  Students review the material to be prepared for hands-on learning in the classroom.
  • Students who study together outside of class are able to ask the teacher about questions regarding opposing conclusions on a subject.  Opposing concepts on a subject open up classroom discussions.
  • Students take a more participatory role in the classroom.  Students are encouraged to lead discussions that enhance critical thinking skills. 
  • Teachers provide a more hands-on learning experience through discussions, exercises and group projects.
  • Class time is now more focused on the students’ knowledge. Teachers can take the time to make certain each student understands the concepts presented in the video, and has more time for individual interaction.
  • More time means more immediate feedback. The teacher can identify and help students who may need more assistance in learning the material.  By recognizing each student’s strengths and weaknesses, resource tools can be implemented to help with the overall learning process. 
  • When students bring the materials home, parents also can share in the learning. Parents see exactly what concepts are being taught. 
  • Flipped classrooms prove to be a more efficient way of teaching, because students actually have more time to learn. 

The flipped classroom promotes a more student-centered learning atmosphere.  It’s one way we are delivering on our goal to see each student succeed in the classroom.

Learn more about academics at King’s Edgehill here:

Academics at KES

