What a wonderful time the Alumni and Advancement Office had at our last event of 2018! As Students at the School dove into December exams, the team wrapped up the term by hosting an Alumni Social at the Foggy Goggle in Halifax on December 13th. With its cozy ambiance— including a brightly lit Christmas tree and garlanded bannisters—the Gottingen Street pub was a perfect place to catch up with Halifax-based Alumni, Parents, and Friends before the New Year.
Over 50 members of the KES community joined us, representing five decades (1973-2017!) of graduates. What a treat it was to see regular attendees of our events mingling with Alumni we hadn’t seen in years,
reminiscing and making new connections. It was also great to see a large contingent of more recent graduates make time to swing by, even in the midst of post-secondary exams or having just arrived back in Nova Scotia for surely hectic holiday visits—something we greatly appreciate!
Everyone enjoyed the evening of great food and merrymaking, thanks in part to Clyde, who drove the “party van” and transported staff safely to and from Halifax. Many thanks as well to the staff at the Foggy Goggle for their awesome service, and a special shout out to Carrie, who runs the kitchen at the Foggy Goggle—and just so happens to be our Director of Advancement, Heather Strickey’s niece!
It really was a pleasure to see everyone, and after a nice holiday break the Advancement team is looking forward to getting on the road again in 2019.
Happy New Year!
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