2016 is the year of Edgehill marking the 125th anniversary of its founding and its first fall term in 1891 but
marking, as well, the 40th anniversary of the union of King’s Collegiate School and Edgehill Church School for Girls in 1976 to form what is now King’s-Edgehill School. On Tuesday afternoon, the School held a special assembly to celebrate these anniversaries which speak so profoundly to what the School as a whole is.
The Headmaster opened the ceremony with a moment of reflection on the very recent passing of
Dr. Karen
(Price) Mann (1948-58), an Old Girl and much respected figure in the medical and university community. She was expected at this celebration but unexpectedly passed away. After a moment of silence to remember her, he proceeded to state why we were gathered. On stage were several mannequins with the different outfits worn by the Girls of Edgehill over the years. There were also a number of special guests to whom questions where put having been raised by
Mr. Patrick LePoedevin’s Grade 8 class. The Old Girls from Edgehill were
Elizabeth McMichael (1950-53), Lady Ann (Creighton) Day (1952-55), Barbara (Akin) Redden (1965-67), Nancy (Norman) Morash (1974-79), and
Barbara (Lynch) Ryan (1951-52). The questions were asked by
Head Boy, Tristan Kimball. The questions and answers provided an amusing and interesting insight into what was different and what was the same about things now and then at different periods in the history of the Schools and in the memory of these alumnae.
This was followed by the singing of the Edgehill Song by Amy Cornick and Joanna Bond, a song which some of the Old Girls remembered and were able to join in on the singing.
Rev’d David Curry gave a brief talk about the gifts Edgehill brought to King’s developing the theme of the interplay of male and female principles with respect to the Enlightenment principles of the School. The gifts of Edgehill are the qualities of grace and elegance, of class and refinement, a kind of dignity that smooths the rough edges of adolescent manhood into something approaching manliness, the qualities of being more human. Edgehill has contributed greatly to the strengthening of the ideals of gentleness, learning, and manliness or humanitas. The Edgehill motto, Fideliter, emblazoned on the tunics of the girls complements and completes the King’s motto, Deo Legi Regi Gregi, emblazoned on the jackets of the boys. They recall us to principles and ideals that are worthy of our commitment and consideration. They are the qualities which have very much to do with character and service, with leadership and sacrifice.
Head Girl, Jillian Murphy, told about a distinguished Edgehill alumna, Clare Gass (1901-05) whose First World War diary, now published, contains the first reference to Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae’s famous poem In Flander’s Field. This was followed by the choir under the direction of Steven Roe singing a rendition of In Flander’s Field. The special assembly concluded with the ceremonial cutting of a cake honouring Edgehill. Students then gathered in the Dining Hall to partake of cake. The whole assembly underscored the important point that the spirit of Edgehill clearly lives on!
(Rev’d) David Curry
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