Inside King's-Edgehill School

Tok to Kings college.jpg

ToK Class goes to King’s College

Tok to Kings college.jpgOn Tuesday, February 20th, the Grade 11 King’s-Edgehill School ToK class made a pilgrimage to the University of King’s College, our sister institution, formerly located here in Windsor but since the 1920s located in Halifax and is now associated with Dalhousie University. Joining us at UKC were ToK students from Horton High School as well as a guest student, Bronwyn Appleby.

The KES faculty were Rev’d David Curry and Mr. Kevin Lakes, both alumni of the College. Vice-President Peter O’Brien gave a welcoming address about the intellectual and collegial life of King’s College. The first lecture was given by Dr. Daniel Brandes on Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophylocating the importance of Descartes as the Father of Modern Philosophy and exploring the significance of his quest for certainty in the form of rationalism. After a tour of the College and lunch in Prince Hall, students listened to a second lecture given by Dr. Ian Stewart on Newton and the empiricist approach to knowing with respect to how we see ‘red’.

Both lectures argued for the importance of ToK and the IB Diploma Programme with respect to being serious knowers in an age of uncertainty and with respect to being well-prepared for university studies particularly in a collegial atmosphere which privileges questions over answers. The excursion complemented our weekly ToK endeavours and as usual our students were exemplary ambassadors of the School.

The wonderful thing about striving to be more is that you never know where you might end up. Through our International Baccalaureate Programme, our students are able to pursue post-secondary education almost anywhere in the world. Download our IB Guidebook here.

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