An old proverb says it takes a village to raise a child and we couldn’t agree more! We also know that keeping our students active and involved in ourcommunity requires a full fleet of vehicles. Our students are involved in countless activities that regularly require them to travel within our community, our province and well beyond.

Whether your child is a day student or a boarding student we look after all aspects of their transportation needs for school activities, and we even offer transportation to and from school to day students in a handful of communities.
Parents considering boarding for their child will appreciate the fleet of vehicles ready to take your child to all their co-curricular activities. We know that boarding students thrive when they are busy and involved in an array of programs, letting them make the most of their experience and giving them very little time to miss home.
Those parents looking at our school for their day student can take advantage of our valley bus or metro shuttle on a daily basis. They will also appreciate that with all the built-in activities, their child will complete a great deal in a day including clubs, sports, volunteering and more, all with the transportation looked after seamlessly by the school.
Transportation to and from school
King’s-Edgehill School offers bus and shuttle service to Annapolis Valley, Metro Halifax and Chester students traveling to and from our school each day. For students who live in the valley, there are three stops between Coldbrook and King’s-Edgehill School. We also have a shuttle driven by King’s-Edgehill staff which does a daily run to both Fall River and Tantallon and the School. And our latest daily shuttle provides service to famlies in Chester. Families from other communities not served by our shuttle often share the driving by carpooling. Our Admissions Team can help to connect you with a local family to discuss carpooling opportunities.
Sports and Volunteering
All our students participate in daily sports activities and many of these are team-based activities that see our students compete locally, provincial and nationally. Whether your child is competing at a local field or at a tournament in New Hampshire, we’ll coordinate all the transportation.
Volunteering in our community is an important part of our programming at King’s-Edgehill School. Our transportation fleet also keeps busy facilitating the many volunteer opportunities our students participate in which include including hospital volunteering, Seniors’ Residence volunteering, Reading Buddies at Windsor Elementary School, Camp Mockingee Clean-up (Rotary Club), and Mermaid Theatre ushering (Windsor).
Weekend Activities
Our fleet doesn’t get weekends off either, although the destinations do change from driving to sports fields and volunteer commitments, to shopping malls, movie theatres and scenic locations throughout our province.
So if you’re on the road and see one of our beautifully decorated vehicles with smiling faces on the outside, you’ll know that on the inside are more smiling faces headed to compete more, volunteer more, or be more.
Interested in learning about transportation options for your student to get to our school on a daily basis? Click below to learn more.