“One Day Your Way!” This is theme of the 40th anniversary of the Terry Fox Run for cancer research. Safety protocols during these pandemic times mean that we will not be able to gather by the hundreds in our usual festive spirit on campus to host the annual Terry Fox Run. We certainly will be continuing our community leadership as we take part in the first-ever international “Virtual Terry Fox Run” for our School day community, the greater Windsor area and beyond.

We need your help and commitment more now than ever. Here’s the plan: boarding students and staff in our “campus bubble” will run, walk or cycle a 5 km route on campus together; day students and their families along with off-campus faculty, alumni and KES friends will design their own route, in their own neighbourhoods at the same time. Everyone will participate in their own location, their own way, on Sunday, September 20th at 11 am. We will be united in spirit, not in person. With the convenience of participating from wherever you are, this year’s event just might prove the most successful ever! I look forward to viewing your digital family photos of this year’s “One Day Your Way” event.

For the past 35 years, the Windsor/King’s-Edgehill Terry Fox Run has been recognized as one of the top fundraisers in Nova Scotia. Thanks to so many, we have raised over $290,000 for innovative cancer research during this time; and, we can all benefit from the ongoing medical advances. Last year’s record contribution of $17,400 placed Windsor third out of 70 run sites in the province, our best event ever, thanks to our student and parent support. We are proud of our success, and we certainly want to maintain this momentum for the 2020 Virtual Run.
Please act now! There will not be any line-ups at the busy registration desk this year; instead, all day families should
register online now.
Every donation toward cancer research counts, and I encourage you to make a contribution (tax receipts will be provided online).
Students: you can do your own fundraising, if you wish. You have lots of time, and it is easy to set up a personal page on this site and start to get your own donations. This kind of leadership is appreciated greatly. Please let me know if you are doing this because credit can be given as part of our volunteering programme. Day students, you can also plan your own route for your family/friends now.
Commemorative 40th Anniversary Terry Fox t-shirts will be available as the school year begins (great design!). As usual, sign-up forms will be available on Opening Day. Family orders are accepted as well ($20 ea/Adult sizes: S-XXL). We will have our annual KES Terry Fox Dress Down Day (Wednesday, September 16th) before the official event.
Cancer research can’t wait for COVID-19 to be over. Imagine the challenges Terry Fox faced running a marathon a day for 143 days with a prosthetic leg, and as a cancer patient. We, too, are challenged during these pandemic times; but, together, we can respond and make a positive contribution. Terry once said, “Anything is possible if you try.” Indeed, “try” is in the spelling of Terry’s name and at the heart of our community! Forty years after he began his Marathon of Hope, we are proud to continue to champion his ideals and his inspiring dream: a world free of cancer. Thanks for your support.
Looking forward to a very special event.