At King's-Edgehill school, every student is involved in athletics because we know that students who are involved in sports do better in school. Our philosophy is that athletics is not an end in itself, but that involvement in sports teaches lessons that enhance education.
What Athletic Programs are Available at KES?
Most afternoons, students are involved in one of our many athletic options. Of course our offering varies by term and student interest, but
include sports such as soccer, basketball, skiing, hockey, snowboarding, equestrian, rugby, volleyball, track and field, cross country running, swimming, fitness, tennis, yoga, wrestling, softball, badminton, and more. Students can choose to do competitive or non-competitive sports.
Research Shows Athletes are Better Students
Recent research has shown that athletics positively impacts academic achievement. Studies show students in sports spend more time on homework, get better grades, and perform higher on standardized testing. Compared to non-athletes, research shows that youth athletes miss less school, have high grades in Math and English, and obtain higher degrees in college.
We are not surprised by these research findings as we have been seeing this practically for decades. Our busy student-athletes are doing amazing things in the classroom and enjoying real success at university.
Why do Athletes Achieve Scholastically?
In sports, students form close relationships that enhance their motivation in school. In addition, athletics provides important character lessons, which help students do better in their studies. Research shows that athletes:
- are 43% more likely to say they like school.
- report 65% more frequently that teachers and other adults at their school care.
- have more academically-oriented friends than non-athletes.
- say they have more interest, motivation, and connection with their school.
- tend to have more interactions with adults, including coaches and teachers.
- learn how to persist against adversity, evaluate failure, work with others, and follow rules.
At KES, the Busiest Athletes are also Excellent Scholars
Our recent Athletics Report showed that students highly involved in athletics at KES are also high achievers in the classroom. KES is first and foremost an educational institution, and so our planning of sports activities is geared to enhance education as a whole. That is why we require all students to be involved in athletic activities year round.
What Does the KES Athletics Report Reveal about Athletics and Scholarship?
For the past 10 years, almost all of our students who won athletic awards also received academic awards and/or university entrance scholarships. From 2004 to 2015, almost every Scholar Athletes of the Year played three varsity sports while also taking IB courses. Furthermore, we discovered that although KES has a balance between academic and recreational sports, grade twelve students most often chose varsity sports. Our conclusion is that not only does athletics at KES support academic achievement, but that students consistently choose to challenge themselves with athletics - even as their academic load increases.
How does KES Recognize Achievement in Athletics and Scholarship?
Public acknowledgement of student achievement is an important motivation for students. That is why KES recognizes achievement in both academic and athletic excellence at bi-weekly assemblies to the entire student body. In addition, student achievement in sports and in the classroom is published in the weekly newsletter from the Headmaster to the whole school community. Moreover, at the year-end athletic banquet, awards are given for scholar-athletes of the junior and senior school, as well as for Athletes of the Year and Top Athletes in the school.
Sports at King’s-Edgehill are considered "co-curricular" rather than "extra curricular" because they are not an extra activity, but a regular part of our day that enjoys full participation from each student. We know that the perseverance, teamwork, and leadership that a student learns on the athletic field will follow them into the classroom - and serve them well in university and adult life.
Athletics is one of the four pillars of a King's-Edgehill education. Sports are mandatory at every age, and are part of the day's schedule. With that much time devoted to physical activity, it's a good thing we have so many choices! Have a look at all the sports your child can try at KES: Download the Athletics Photojournal.